With the explosion in online tools that allow to write, share, and run HTML, CSS, and JavaScript like JSFiddle, CSSDeck, codepen and many others! I was surprised to see that there wasn't a good opensource library to facilitate securely running arbitrary code in the browser. So I pulled this out of our codecademy.com source code into a well-tested library with a nice interface. I call it stuff.js (stuff as in stuffed turkey) and it's on GitHub.

Here is how you can create a live coding interface (similar to codepen) in less than thirty lines of code using stuff.js and codemirror:

stuff(secureIframeUrl, function (context) {
  var html = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($('#html'), {
    onChange: reload
  , mode: 'text/html'
  var js = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($('#js'), {
    onChange: reload
  , mode: 'javascript'
  var css = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($('#css'), {
    onChange: reload
  , mode: 'css'

  var t = null;
  function reload () {
    t = setTimeout(function () {
      var code = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>';
      code += '<style>'  + css.getValue() + '</style>';
      code += '<body>' + html.getValue();
      code += '<script>' + js.getValue() + '</script>';
      code += '</body></html>';
    }, 50);

Stuff.js puts security first. It is intended to be served from multiple origins for the code to be properly sandboxed and not have access to the top window.